


Ⅰ. 答案: 1. dances 2. speak 3. write 4. club 5. swims

Ⅱ. 答案: 1. to join 2. draw 3. telling 4. play 5. sports

Ⅲ. 答案: 1~5. CBACC

Ⅳ. 答案: 1. Can; sing 2. can’t find 3. What can; do

4. show; to 5. Can; or

Ⅴ. 答案: 1. She can dance very well

2. Tom can play basketball

3. Li Yue wants to join the ping-pong club

4. Mike likes playing soccer

5. Can James draw pictures well

Ⅵ. 答案: 1. They are from America.

2. She can draw and play Chinese chess.

3. Can he do Chinese kung fu?

4. 他们经常和朋友们一起弹吉他。

5. But he can’t speak Chinese.

